The Group emerged in 2000 as a union of people interested in creation of a different music not bound by preconceptions and limitations and till 2003 it has been existed under name WA ON experimental group. Several performers of traditional Japanese music formed the core of the group and were joined by representatives of diverse other musical traditions and musicians devoted to alternative music forms. Expectedly, they interpret instruments and musical text in a radically different way from any of the classical traditions; nevertheless, the Group's aesthetics of sound, the culture of auditory perception, and the sound managing techniques are clearly based on the musical traditions of the Eastern Asia.
The two first CDs of the group were recorded on February 26, 2000, which can be considered the Group's birthday; and it has recorded 82 CDs since then. The Group focuses on recording real time composition creation, including performances; and performing compositions that integrate preliminary musical material (for instance, pre-recorded parts of particular instruments).
Some of the Groups participants perform opus music using materials of a limited tone. Though the musicians avoid declaring their artistic perspectives, the Groups strive may be interpreted as an attempt to create new music based directly on musical traditions and their aesthetic principles without the distorting European composing techniques or totalitarian forms of organization borrowed from popular music.
The group focuses on musical traditions that do not separate the creator of a piece from its performer; on exclusive musical techniques related to the unique properties of particular musical instrument; on pan sonic aesthetics that rejects the existence of a non-musical sound; on diversity of systems of sonic and sequential organizations (both traditional and created in a performance process); and on equal importance of all parameters of the music texture and of a sound itself.